Install styles in
Activate noscript in
1 |
¶1 2 |
Disable Javascript¶
Via database
sqlite3 .local/share/luakit/noscript.db
1 2 3 |
This cheat sheet is a version of I modified to suit me better.
:=command mode
f=follow mode (use F to load urls in new tab)
F=follow mode into new tab
i=insert mode
Esc=clear all modes, undoes last keypress command
j k h l scroll
Ctrl-e,y,d,u,f,b scrolling
space, shift space page scrolling
gg top of document
G botoom of document
x% go to x% of document
+=zoom in
-=zoom out
==set zoom
o(O)=open url in same tab
t(T)=open with new tab
w(W)=open url in new window
gt,gr=next (previous) tab [gr is not in default config]
alt+{1,..}=go to specific tab
d or ctrl w=close tab
D or ZQ=close window
< >=reorder tab
gh(gH) open homepage
gd(gD) download page
ga(gA) adblock
gb(gB) bookmarks
gy duplicate current tab
B[Enter]=create bookmark of current url
Ctrl t=new tab
r=reload current url
R=reload current url skipping cache
s=stop page loading
u=opens the last closed tabs
Ctrl+Shift+R=Restart Luakit
ZZ=Quit and save the session
ZQ=Quit and dont save the session
y=yank element uri or description into primary selection (onto clipboard)
Y=Yank element description (copy onto clipboard)
;;=focus element
;i= for opening image sources
;I= for opening image sources in new tab
[num]b=load back page [num] in history
ctrl z=passthrough mode (NO idea what this is yet)
ctrl-ZZ=quit and save session for next time
ZQ=quits without saving
M[letter or number]=quickmark url to that letter or number
(activate by go[quickmark] or gn[quickmark] (for new tab)
Ctrl w=delete word
Ctrl u=delete line
Ctrl h=delete backward one character
Ctrl d=delete forward one character
Ctrl a=go to beginning of line
Ctrl e=go to end of line
Ctrl f=go forward one character
Ctrl b=go backward one character
Mod1 f=go forward one word
Mod1 b=go backward one word
Browser Commands:
:lua <code>
:viewsource (views the source)
:viewsource! (goes back to webpage)
Quickmarks: Let’s you assign a webpage to a specified key. Type M followed by key you wish to assign the page to. To open that page at a later time, type go[assigned-key] to open in current tab, or gn[assigned-key] to open in a new tab.
Pressing f highlights all the links on the page and assigns them a number. At bottom of page, type the corresponding number after Follow: to go to it.
Adblock for luakit:
Use and put it in your ~/.config/luakit. Name it adblock.lua
Edit your rc.lua and include:
require "adblock"
Then create a file ~/.config/luakit/adblock.blacklist
according to the comment in the adblock.lua. Here’s what works for facebook for example:
Here’s a script which translates hosts files for adblocking into an adblock.blacklist file. Use it as an example only! (courtesy Army in Arch Linux Forums)
How to change useragent:
globals.useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chromium/14.0.825.0"
If you append ?nobrowsercheck=true to the end of the url (or any other url that rejects unknown browsers?) it will let you access it with the normal luakit user agent.
How to group bookmarks: Type “B” and then after the link add a word, e.g.
:bookmark Archlinux
:bookmark Archlinux
To use ctrl-c to copy to clipboard, go to insert mode first (press i) You can then use ctrl-v to paste.
How to set luakit to save the current session every time instead of only by ZZ, even if it’s closed by the window manager:
In your rc.lua, place a at the top of the window.methods.close_win function:
local close_win = window.methods.close_win
window.methods.close_win = function (w, ...){w}
close_win(w, ...)
Another option offered: Edit window.lua (should be in ~/.config/luakit, or you should copy it to there from the xdg folder). On line 658 you’ll find a function called “navigate”. Add a line just before the closing “end” which is on line 671. The line should save the current session by calling w:save_session().
navigate = function (w, uri, view)
view = view or w.view
if view then
local js = string.match(uri, "^javascript:(.+)$")
if js then
--return view:eval_js(luakit.uri_decode(js), "(javascript-uri)")
return view:eval_js(luakit.uri_decode(js),
"(luakit::navigate)", true)
view.uri = uri
return w:new_tab(uri)
w:save_session() -- THIS LINE WAS ADDED
To use userconf.lua to remap binds, paste the binding aliases there: – Binding aliases local key, buf, but = lousy.bind.key, lousy.bind.buf, lousy.bind.but then add binds within the brackets:
add_binds("normal", {
--for example
-- History
key({}, "b", function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
key({}, "n", function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
}, true)
To disable/enable javascript, scripts, and plugins:
Add this to your rc.lua somewhere between the ‘require “webview”’ line (make sure it is after “binds” as well) and the “end user script loading”
require "noscript"
noscript.enable_scripts = false
noscript.enable_plugins = false
Then use:
,ts to toggle scripts such as javascript and others for the current domain. ,tp to toggle plugins such as Flash for the current domain. ,tr to remove NoScript rules for a given domain.
Note the , must be typed as well.