イエス・キリスト教’s documentation!¶
Notes , Configurations and documentation of the UES projects.¶
“The universe of the ancient Maya was composed of kab, or Earth (the visible domain of the Maya people), kan, or the sky above (the invisible realm of celestial deities), and xibalba, or the watery underworld below (the invisible realm of the underworld deities),” Sharer wrote
cities: uxmal,chimalmat Classic: Bacab Chaac Death gods God L Goddess I Hero Twins Howler monkey gods Itzamna Ixchel Jaguar gods Kʼawiil Kinich Ahau Maize god Mam Moon goddess Yopaat Post-Classic: Acat Ah-Muzen-Cab Akna Chin Ixtab Kukulkan Yum Kaax Popol Vuh: Awilix Camazotz Hun Hunahpu Huracan Jacawitz Qʼuqʼumatz Tohil Vucub Caquix Xmucane and Xpiacoc Xquic Zipacna
Last Documents Added¶
Getting started:
25 April - Handle certificate expiration
Duplicate substitution definition name: “KVM”.
12 January - Python web scraper
05 September - MkForms App
Duplicate substitution definition name: “KVM”.
15 April - Project MkForms
Html Forms Maker
15 April - How to Configure a DNS/DHCP Server
Duplicate substitution definition name: “KVM”.
15 April - Python xml to database parser
Duplicate substitution definition name: “KVM”.
baizabal.xyz is developed and maintained by the PortalApps team, backed by the Portal Apps (AI2). AI2 is a non-profit institute with the mission to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. To learn more about who specifically contributed to this codebase, see our contributors page.
baizabal.xyz is licensed under Apache 2.0. A full copy of the license can be found on GitHub.