MkForms App¶
- Author:
This Program create an interactive book online from pictures as pages source,
is structured with a client-server
squema, the backend is constructed as a Web Service with python and mysql.
In the Frontend the build is made with Vanilla Javascript and the connection motor is supported by fetch
What we need :
Web Server Apache, nginx, lighttpd,…
Database Server Mysql, Mariadb, PosgreSQL, mssql
Webserver with autoindex route to store and publish the images pages of books
SSL key and Certificates files
db management tool such as mssql-cli, mycli , dbext-vim, dbeaver
Install The Api Web Service¶
The Installation of the Web Service is very straight forward only we need to accomplish a few step in command line
Build the skelton app
Connect to the db
Publish the Web Service
Install the database squeme¶
Need to download and install in mysql server
Download from https¶
mysql --user=user --password=pass database < db/bms.sql
Install the Api¶
Need to Download the source code of the api from
Download from https¶
Download the Api with git¶
git clone -b release
Install the dependencies¶
python3 -m pip install uvicorn fastapi sqlalchemy pandas pymysql jinja2 python-multipart
Config setup¶
In the root directory of the api we need to create a file of configuration called or rename to with contents as follow:
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The above configuration creates:
Connection string for mysql link:
database: db_name,
user: db_user,
password: ‘db_pass’,
proc_exec: The procedure to execute
Routes to :
upload path : /var/www/images/public_html/assets/Panamericano/files/source/
fetch path : https://server/assets/Panamericano/files/source
tmp proccessing path : /tmp/book/
How the pathname is build ? for example if upload the file
Then the upload and fetch path are determinated by […]/source/[custom/file/name]/pages
sections are db_connection and refers
to parameters for the database connection
Database Parameters¶
The section download_config
refer to parameters for storing the book-pages in jpg format
Book Parameters¶
Store Procedures¶
The SP must execute for earch new upload Book or a new linked user creation. The api already run the sp bms_proc_build_cache_inp_usr
when a new book is created
To start the Api server run the next command :
uvicorn --reload --host [host.ipv4] bms_connector.main:app --ssl-keyfile=privkey.pem --ssl-certfile=fullchain.pem --ssl-keyfile-password=[password|None]
Letsencrypt :
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The defautl port of uvicorn is 8000
The method /books
replaces the deprecated method /items
Api use examples¶
Upload a book packet as a zip file
/upload Method for upload a new book[s]
: Name[s] of the book[s] , separate by commasmultipart
: upload zip file as multipart objecttoken
: Token authentication
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Create forms in page
/srcpositions Method for create a new positions of a form [input,checkbox,…]
: Id of bookbms_bookspage_id
: Id of pageinputType
: The type of the form [text,radio,checkbox]x1
: Position from left of Window Inner to left corner of form rectangley1
: Position from top of Window Inner top to top-left corner of form rectanglex2
: Position from left of Window Inner to right corner of form rectangley2
: Position from top of Window Inner top to bottom-left corner of form rectangle
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For run this example you will need to install httpie and jq packages
sudo apt install httpie jq
https --verify=no | jq | cat -l json
https --verify=no | jq | cat -l json
https --verify=no | jq | cat -l json
https --verify=no | jq | cat -l json